Every middle
school has one, which means
you’re bound to get them at least once. Of course, we’re talking about that extraordinarily vile, despicably
wicked, supermean teacher.
L&C’s SMT Tips:
♥ Keep a low profile, and stay quiet.
♥ Do all your homework neatly and on time.
♥ The teacher is probably not the joking-around type, so think twice before engaging him or her on a humorous level.
♥ Compliments never hurt. Say that you like his or her tie, shoes, or the inspiring lecture on the downfall of Eastern Bloc Communism.
♥ If it’s around the holiday season, give him or her a card. Buy a generic greeting card just to play it safe unless you happen to know what her or she celebrates (besides the grinch)!
♥ Tell the principal the SMT is your favorite teacher and you get so much out of the class. (He or she will hopefully pass it on, and you’ll get major charm points.)
♥ Volunteer for small missions like passing out or picking up papers. Request to pick up trash after class or erase whiteboards.
♥ Shhhhhh the loud students, telling them you are trying to listen, and they would be wise to do the same.
♥ Participate but don’t ask annoying questions like “Should we put our name on this?” or “What class is this again?”
♥ Take or act like you’re taking copious notes. Teachers like to feel important.
♥ Call the teacher sir, ma’am, or master—but not in a sarcastic way.
Helpful Hint from CeCee: Even I get those supermean ogre-type teachers and grapple with it. What you have to realize is, most of the time, their mean dispositions are nothing personal against you—it’s just the way they’re wired. Also, don’t be worried about being called a “teacher’s pet” by the other kids. You’ll have the last laugh when crowned with an A and everyone else flunks. Just remember—you won’t have these teachers forever. It’s only temporary, so try to figure out what makes them tick, and you’ll have them eating out of the palm of your hand (not literally, of course—gross!).