An Excerpt From the Award-Winning Tell-All
Lucy and CeCee's How to Survive (and Thrive) in Middle School
♥ Don’t plagiarize from the Internet. Besides the fact it’s cheating, teachers are getting wise to this and chances of getting busted are excellent.
♥ Don’t get in email or text wars.
♥ Keep the peace at home and talk to parents about rules and guidelines for going online. Agree to keep up with homework and that websites should be age-appropriate.
♥ Never meet anyone online without telling a parent or checking with them first.
♥ Nix the webcam. Overall, not a good idea.
♥ Don’t T.M.I. on myspace or other websites. Before you know it, your overshare will go viral and you’ll be e-famous for all the wrong reasons.
♥ Don’t be duped by those misleading banner ads. Put the blinders on and ignore them.
♥ Show good netiquette and never cyber-dump anyone.
♥ Most cell phones are portable computers, so apply the same rules with your phone as online.
♥ Blog rages may be all the rage but are tiresome to read. Whatever you write can and will be held against you.
♥ Think before you post. Today’s friend can be tomorrow’s enemy. And once something is sent, you can’t command Z it.
♥ Keep all passwords private and don’t give away any personal information about yourself.
♥ To avoid e-gret, play nice online. If you don’t have anything positive to say, it’s probably best you don’t say anything at all.
♥ Know your school cell phone policy. Even if it’s loose, it’s best to keep your cell in your backpack turned off along with your iPod. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting it stolen.
♥ NEVER, EVER, EVER sext. Remember, cyberspace lasts forever.
♥ Don’t ever use cell phone to cheat.
♥ Don’t let anyone text and drive.
♥ Don’t believe everything you read online.
♥ If you’re being cyber-stalked or harassed – get help immediately from an adult.
♥ Don’t ever take or post pictures of people without their permission or knowledge.
♥ Downtime is healthy; turn off your cyberworld and read a book or call a friend.
Cyber acronyms are cool to use when texting, emailing, or IMing. Here are the basic ones to know and love:
BFF – Best Friend Forever
BTW – By the way
FYI – For your information
G2G – Got to go
IDK – I don’t know
IDC – I don’t care
IMHO – In my honest opinion
IMNSHO – In my not so honest opinion
L8R - Later
LOL – Laugh Out Loud
PIR – Parent in room
POS – Parent over shoulder
PAL- Parents are listening
PAW – Parents are watching
ROFL – Rolling on floor laughing
TMI – Too much information
TTFN – Ta Ta for now
Hi Luce. I miss u. Want 2 hang out
tonight? S.S. for everything. You’re
right - should have told u about Kandi’s
invite. Can u forgive and absolve me
for my horrible-ness?
Hey CeCee. Missed u 2. Can’t hang
out 2-night. Have 2 work on science
project or Kragler’s going 2 totally fail
P.S. I was wrong 4 telling u not 2 publish
about the uniform thing. S.S.
Want help on your project?
Thx. But have 2 do this 1
on my own. Got myself
n-2 this mess. How bout the
mall this wkend?
4 sure. R we still B.F.F.?
Of course. Luv u! ☺