O/O: The first step to earning good grades is to be orderly and organized. I
like to have a binder and spiral for each of my core classes. It may seem
extreme, but I also color code my notebooks by subject and cover my text in the
same hue.
Example: Math—Blue
It’s super helpful—especially when
you’re running late between classes due to annoying humanoid diversions.
It: Carry an agenda book with a calendar so you can write what’s due, when quizzes
are scheduled, and any upcoming assignments. I like to highlight long-term
projects to remind myself of those don’t-wait due dates.
Subs First: Study for your challenging subjects first. My nemesis is algebra,
so I get that out of the way before everything else. If you have a quiz coming
up—like spelling or vocabulary words—look them over for a few minutes every day
before the quiz. When Friday comes along (the magic day for quizzes), you’re 95
percent there.
Smart: Before a chapter quiz, highlight the important components in one color
and the details in another. Try to remember a few specific details or an
important quote if it’s an essay exam. The teacher will be impressed and think
you read vigilantly.
Guidance: If confused, ask the master gurus themselves! If they allow it, stay
after class, and ask for guidance. They may bestow some knowledge nuggets,
paving the way to the Holy Grail of A-ville. (At the very least, they’ll
appreciate your extra initiative and remember this come report card time.)
Stuff You’ll Need:
*General school supplies (notebooks, pens,
highlighters, binders, clips, etc.)
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